Certificate number: 3692
Initial date: 2020-03-06
Expiry date: 2026-03-31
Company: POLYTUBES 2009 INC.
Address: 416 Pido Road
Peterborough (Ontario) Canada K9J 6X7
Telephone: 705-740-2872
Reference document: BNQ 3624-027 2016-09-12
Polyethylene (PE) Pipe for the Transport of Fluids Under Pressure
Protocol or Scope: BNQ 3624-907 2017-10-19
Tuyaux et raccords en polyéthylène (PE) - Protocole de certification
Specific requirements: BNQ EP 3624-027 2019-05-23
Exigences de certification BNQ 3624-027
Product/Process/Service: Polyethylene (PE) Pipe for Transport of Fluids Under Pressure